
时间:2024-02-18 18:04:39编辑:雅博君


闵庆飞,男,大连理工大学,管理与经济学部, 教授、博士生导师。研究方向: 信息系统行为、电子商务、企业信息化、互联网+战略






2010年 美国南加州大学(USC)马歇尔商学院通讯管理研究所访问学者




《Information & Management》、《Internet Research》、《Asia Pacific Management Review》《Computers in Human Behavior》、《International Journal of E-Business》、《International Journal of Electronic Commerce》、《南开管理评论》、《管理学报》、《信息系统学报》等期刊审稿人





IT/IS implementation and adoption in organizations

E-commerce/M-commerce Behavior and strategies

Global virtual team management


Keliang Zhang,Qingfei Min, Zhenhua Liu, Understanding Microblog Continuance Usage Intention: An Integrated Model, Aslib Journal of Information Management, 2106, 68(6). (SCI/SSCI)Zilong Liu ,Qingfei Min, Qingguo Zhai, Russell Smyth, Self-Disclosure in Chinese Micro-Blogging: A Social Exchange Theory Perspective, Information & Management, 53 (2016), pp. 53-63(SCI/SSCI)Yanbo Wang, Qingfei Min, Shengnan Han, "Understanding the effects of trust and risk on individual behavior toward social media platforms: a meta-analysis of the empirical evidence”, Computers in Human Behavior, Volume 56(2016), Pages 34u201344. (SSCI)Shahid G Khokhar, Qingfei Min, Chu Xiang, Electricity Crisis and Energy Efficiency to Poultry Production in Pakistan, World Poultry Science Journal, 71( 2015), 539-546.. (SCI)Shahid G. Khokhar; Qingfei Min; Chao Su, Bird flu (H7N9) outbreak and its implications on the supply chain of poultry meat in China,The Journal of Applied Poultry Research, 2015, 24(2),215u2013221.(SCI)Zilong Liu, Zhenhua Liu, Qingfei Min, The Impact of Mobile TradeManager on Fashion Product Sales: From Usability Perspective, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 2014 (2014), Article ID 927854, 9 pages. (SCI)Zhenhua Liu, Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, A study of mobile instant messaging adoption: within-culture variation, International Journal of Mobile Communications,9(3),280-297, 2011。(SSCI:000292784800004; EI: 20112414063691)。Zhenhua Liu, Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, An Empirical Study of Mobile Securities Management Systems Adoption: a Tasku2013Technology Fit perspective, International Journal of Mobile Communications, 8(2), 2010. 230-243. (EI: 20100712711323; SSCI: 000275380800006)Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, Gang Qu, Mobile Commerce User Acceptance Study in China: A revised UTAUT Model, Tsinghua Science and Technology, 13(3), 2008, 257-264 . (EI: 20082211288548).[Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, A Meta-Analysis of Mobile Commerce Research in China (2002u20132006),International Journal of Mobile Communications, 6(3), 2008. 390-403. (EI:20081211165077; SSCI: 000261773800009).Shaobo Ji, Shawn Smith-Chao, Qingfei Min, Systems Plan for Combating Identity Theft u2013 A Theoretical Framework, Journal of Service Science and Management (Scientific Research Publishing), 1( 2), 2008, pp. 143-151.Gang Qu, Shaobo Ji, Qingfei Min. Inter-organizational Coordination, IT Support, and Environment. Tsinghua Science and Technology, 13(3), 2008, 374-382 . (EI:20082211288565).Shaobo Ji, Qingfei Min, Weihe Han, Research in Information Systems in China (1999 -2005) and International Comparisons, Frontiers of Business Research in China, 2007,1(1), 19-38. (Springer published)Shaobo Ji, Qingfei Min, Weihe Han, Information Systems Research in China: An Empirical Study, Journal of Global Information Management, 2007, 15(1), 1-17. (EI:20071610550956; SSCI: 000241779900002)


闵庆飞、覃亮,在线评论有用性影响因素研究,管理评论,录用。闵庆飞、刘晓丹,谣言研究综述:基于媒介演变的视角. 情报杂志,2015,34(4),104-109。(CSSCI)刘振华、闵庆飞、刘子龙,虚拟团队中的社会惰性―基于知识型团队的实验研究,系统工程理论与实践, 34(1),2014。闵庆飞、张克亮,手机微博技术-任务匹配的影响因素及其对用户采纳行为的影响―基于可用性视角的实证研究,技术经济,2014,33(3), pp 48-53.闵庆飞、刘子龙、刘振华, 信息系统学科结构方程模型使用规范研究,信息系统学报,2013(12),pp 60-70。闵庆飞、王莎莎、王建军,基于社会化媒体的沟通管理研究,预测,2013,32(2), pp 1-6。(CSSCI)闵庆飞、张克亮、王建军,MST视角的GVT沟通管理案例研究,管理案例评论,2013,6(5),pp 380-392.刘晓东、闵庆飞、 曲刚,基于SOA&SNS的大学数字校园架构设计,信息技术,2013(4),73-75.闵庆飞、李源、国淑珊,TTF视角下的跨国虚拟团队沟通模型―基于中国软件外包行业的案例研究,管理案例评论,2012,5(5),356-367.何平、王建军、闵庆飞,IT服务外包承接商能力识别与评价研究,信息系统学报,2011(9), 32-44。闵庆飞、王菊、刘振华,移动系统可用性的综合研究框架,计算机应用研究,2012, 29(2), 421-426。闵庆飞、王建军,谢 波,信息系统研究中的“匹配”理论综述,信息系统学报,2011(8), 77-88。闵庆飞、国书珊、谢波,中国虚拟团队研究元分析:2000-2008,科技与管理,2010,12(1),76-80。仲秋雁、曲刚、宋娟、闵庆飞,知识管理流派特征分析及内涵界定,研究与发展管理,22(2),80-88. 2010。(CSSCI)闵庆飞、李双明,基于可用性的移动商务系统采纳研究框架,计算机应用研究,2009/5, 26(5),1799-1802。蒋骁,仲秋雁,闵庆飞,季绍波,电子政务公众采纳问题的研究综述. 信息系统学报. 2009,3(2):77-87闵庆飞、孟德才、季绍波,移动商务采纳的信任因素研究,管理世界,2008,12期,pp 184-185。(CSSCI)闵庆飞、刘振华、季绍波,信息技术采纳研究的元分析:2000-2006,信息系统学报,2(2),2008,pp 22-32。张英菊、闵庆飞、曲晓飞,突发公共事件应急预案评价中关键问题探究,华中科技大学学报(社科版)、22(6),2008, pp 41-48。(CSSCI)闵庆飞、季绍波、仲秋雁,身份盗用的发展及其治理和研究趋势,公共管理学报,2007,4(1),48-55。 (CSSCI)季绍波,闵庆飞,韩维贺,中国信息系统(IS)研究现状和国际比较,管理科学学报,2006,5,9(2), 76-85。 (CSSCI)季绍波, 曲刚,闵庆飞,韩维贺. 国内供应链研究的理论、主题及方法评述. 管理评论, 2006, 18(9): 56-62.季绍波,韩维贺,闵庆飞,中国信息系统研究的多样性研究,情报学报,2005,2,142-150。 (人大资料中心收录;CSSCI)仲秋雁、闵庆飞、吴力文,中国企业ERP实施关键成功因素的实证研究,中国软科学,2004,2,73-78。(人大资料中心收录;《新华文摘》收录;CSSCI)闵庆飞、仲秋雁,变革管理-ERP实施的真正挑战,计算机系统应用,2004,4,76-79。闵庆飞、仲秋雁、陆牡丹,ERP实施中的抵制行为研究,科技管理研究,2004,4,57-60。 (CSSCI)闵庆飞、唐可月、陆牡丹、孙健,ERP系统成功评价研究,科学学与科学技术管理,2003,2,23-27。(人大资料中心收录;CSSCI)

闵庆飞、唐可月,重视企业信息化的非技术因素,科技管理研究,2003,3,38-41. (CSSCI)


[1]Qingfei Min, Zhenhua Liu, Shaobo Ji, Communication Effectiveness in global Virtual Teams: A Case Study of Software Outsourcing Industry in China, 43rd Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences, 2010. (EI: 20101812912273)

[2] Qingfei Min, Shuangming Li, Shaobo Ji, An Empirical Study of M-Commerce Adoption from Usability Perspective, The 8th International Conference of Mobile Business, 2009. (EI: 20094712487783; ISTP: 000270940700038).

[3] Qingfei Min, Yuping Li, Shaobo Ji, The Effects of Individual Level Culture on Mobile Commerce Adoption: An Empirical Study, The 8th International Conference of Mobile Business, 2009. (EI: 20094712487797; ISTP: 000270940700054).

[4] Zhenhua Liu, Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, An Empirical Study of Mobile Stock System Adoption: A Task-Technology Fit Perspective, The 5th International Workshop on Mobile Commerce and Services, 2009.

[5] Zhenhua Liu, Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, An Empirical Study on Mobile Banking Adoption: the Role of Trust, 2nd International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security (ISECS 2009), 657-663. (EI: 20100312642153; ISTP: 000275134400002).

[6] Qingfei Min, Shuangming Li, From Usability to Adoption-A New M-Commerce Adoption Study Framework, 2009 International Conference on Communications and Mobile Computing (CMC 2009). (EI: 20091712051853; ISTP: 000265600100059)

[7] Ying Zhang, Qinfei Min, Liwen Wu, GVTs Communication Management: a conceptual model, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 583-587. (EI: 20090211850610; ISTP: 000260563000115)

[8] Qingfei Min, Decai Meng, Qiuyan Zhong, An Empirical Study on Trust in Mobile Commerce Adoption, 2008 IEEE International Conference on Service Operations and Logistics, and Informatics, 659-664,(EI: 20090211850626; ISTP: 000260563000131)

[9] Decai Meng, Qingfei Min, Qiuyan Zhong, Study on Trust in Mobile Commerce Adoption-An Conceptual Model, 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Electronic Commerce and Security, 246-249, (EI: 20084311653825; ISTP: 000259909200052)

[10] Zhenhua Liu, Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji , A Comprehensive Review of Research in IT Adoption, Wicom EMS, 2008. (EI:20090111835650; ISTP: 000263466105305)

[11] Zhenhua Liu, Shaobo Ji, Qingfei Min, Study of Mobile Commerce Adoption: A Conceptual Model, 2008 International Conference on Information Resources Management.

[12] Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, Overview of Mobile-Commerce Research in China: A Meta-Analysis,the 6th International Conference on the Management of Mobile Business (ICMB, 2007).

[13] Shaobo Ji, Jianquan Wang, Qingfei Min, Systems Plan for Combating Identity Theft u2013 A Theoretical Framework, International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2007 (EI: 20080311028722)

[14] Qiuyan Zhong, Gang Qu, Qingfei Min, An Empirical Study of Inter-organizational Relationship in Condition of Environmental Uncertainty: From View of Information Processing Theory, 2007 International Conference on Wireless Communications, Networking and Mobile Computing, WiCOM 2007. (EI:20080311028675; ISTP: 000262098304140)

[15] Shaobo Ji, Qingfei Min, Managing ERP Implementation: A Cultural and Organizational Context Issue, Proceedings of Administrative Sciences Association of Canada, 2005, 115-128.

[16] Shaobo Ji, Qingfei Min, Weihe Han, Overview of Information Systems Research in China: An Empirical Study, Proceeding of the 8th Pacific-Asia Conference on Information Systems, 2004, 156-168. (ISTP)

[17] Qingfei Min, Qiuyan Zhong, Liwen Wu, Studying Information Systems Implementation: An Integrated Framework, Proceeding of 2004 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, 2004, 174-179. (ISTP: 000224824000033)

[18] Liwen Wu, Jian Sun, Qingfei Min, The Impact of Chinese National Culture on IS Implementation, Proceedings of 2003 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, USA.(ISTP: 000186892000039)

[19] Qingfei Min, Shaobo Ji, An Exploratory Study of Non-technical Critical Success Factors of the Implementation of Enterprise Information Systems in China, Proceedings of 2002 International Conference on Management Science & Engineering, 2002, 147-150.(ISTP: 000180721200029)

[20] Shaobo Ji, Qingfei Min, An Empirical Study of the Implementation of Enterprise Information Systems in China: A Non-Technological Aspect, International Conference of Pacific RIM Management, August 2002, Los Angeles, USA.


闵庆飞、陈尚,《基于“适配”理论的虚拟团队沟通研究》,科学出版社,2015。Ann Majchrzak, Fife Elizabeth,Qingfei Min, Francis Pereira: Understanding the Use of Social Media Tools in Enterprise to Enhance Innovation-A Cross Cultural Approach, by Springer Publishing, 2014。闵庆飞、王彦博,《社会化媒体的影响与应用》,科学出版社,2013。闵庆飞、刘振华,《移动商务典型应用及个人用户的采纳》,科学出版社,2011年。Shaobo Ji,Qingfei Min, Weihe Han, Information Systems Research in China: An Empirical Study, Chapter XIV in Handbook of Research on Information Management and the Global Landscape, Information Science Reference, Hershey, New York, 2009.



2012年国际合作项目:Effective use of social networking tools for opening communities of practice and knowledge diffusion, CIGREF 基金会项目,中方负责人。





