
时间:2024-01-26 14:19:48编辑:雅博君


















[100]Jie Sun, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu. Response to "Comment on ’Adiabatically implementing quantum gates’" [J. Appl. Phys. 117, 156101 (2015)]. Journal of Applied Physics. 2015, 117(15) 156101. (SCI A)

[99]胥永康,杨光露,路松峰. 基于压缩后缀数组的近似字符串匹配算法. 计算机工程与应用. 2015.

[98] Chengfu Sun, Songfeng Lu(通信作者). Reply to “Comment on “An improved quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization method for short-term combined economic emission hydrothermal scheduling” by Songfeng Lu, et al.[Energy Convers. Manage. 51 (2010) 561u2013571]”. Energy Conversion and Management, 2015 96, 649-650.(SCI A)

[97] Jie Sun, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu, Zhigang Zhang, Qing Zhou. On the Circuit Model of Global Adiabatic Search Algorithm. International Journal of Theoretical Physics, 2015 (SCI C)

[96] Yu Zhang, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Hua Zhao. Approach for Constructing Public Key Encryption with Multi-Dimensional Range Query. IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences. 2015, 98(2), 754-77. (SCI C)

[95] Qing Zhou, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Zhigang Zhang, Jie Sun, Quantum differential cryptanalysis. Quantum Information Processing, 2015,14, (SCI A)

[94] Jie Sun, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu, Qing Zhou, Zhigang Zhang. Generalized relation between fidelity and quantum adiabatic evolution. Quantum Information Processing, 2015 14. (SCI A)

[93] Yongkang Xu. Youqiao Zhao, Songfeng Lu. Research and Implementation on Compression, Encryption, Storage and Retrieval System for Massive Data.Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014, 519, 41-48. (EI)

[92] Jie Sun, Songfeng Lu, Fang Liu, Qing Zhou, Zhigang Zhang. Adiabatic Deutsch―Jozsa Problem Solved by Modifying the Initial Hamiltonian.Chinese Physics Letters.2014 31 (7), 070304. (SCI B)

[91] Yu Zhang, Songfeng Lu(通信作者). POSTER: Efficient Method for Disjunctive andConjunctive Keyword Search Over Encrypted Data. The ACM Conference on Computerand Communications Security (CCS 2014). 2014, (TOP 40)

[90] Biao Zhang, Songfng Lu(通信作者), Di Zhang, Kunmei Wen. Supply chain coordinationbased on a buyback contract under fuzzy random variable demand. Fuzzy Sets andSystems. 255(16), 2014. 1-16. (SCI A)

[89]Ying Mei,Jie Sun, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Chao Gao. Optimality of partial adiabaticsearch and its circuit model. Quantum Information Processing 13 (8), 2014.1751-1763(SCI A)

[88] MushtaqA. Hasson, Song Feng Lu, Basheer A. Hassoon. ScientificResearch Paper Ranking Algorithm PTRA: A Tradeoff between Time and CitationNetwork. Applied Mechanics and Materials. 2014, 551, 603-611.

[87] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu. Adiabatically implementing quantumgates. Journal of Applied Physics 115(22), 2014, 224901. (SCI A)

[86] Songfeng Lu, Samuel L. Braunstein. Quantum decision tree classifier. Quantum InformationProcessing, 13(3), 2014, 757-770 (SCI A)

[85] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu, Chao Gao. An alternate quantumadiabatic evolution for the Deutschu2013Jozsa problem. Quantum Information Processing, 13(3),2014, 731-736 (SCI A)

[84] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu. Generalized quantum partial adiabaticevolution. Quantum Information Processing, 13(4), 2014, 909-916. (SCI A)

[83] Chao Gao, Songfeng Lu, Qing Zhou, Zhigang Zhang. Beacon-based routing optimizationin data-gathering wireless sensor networks. 2013 15th IEEE InternationalConference on Communication Technology (ICCT), 488-493. (EI)

[82] Songfeng Lu, YingyuZhang, Fang Liu.An efficient quantum search engine on unsorted database. Quantum Information Processing.2013, 12(10), 3265-3274 (SCI A)

[81] HuaZhao, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Yan Liu. A New Algorithm for Fused BlockedPattern Matching IEICE TRANSACTIONS on Fundamentals of Electronics,Communications and Computer Sciences ,2013, 96(4), 830-832. (SCI)

[80] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu. Partial adiabatic quantum searchalgorithm and its extensions. Quantum Information Processing. 2013, 12(8), 2689-2699 (SCI A)

[79] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu (通信作者), Samuel L. Braunstein. On models of nonlinear evolutionpathsin adiabatic quantum algorithms. Communications in Theoretical Physics. 59(1):22-26, 2013.(SCI C)

[78] 杨莉萍, 路松峰, 胡和平, 黄钰. 基于 Fisher 判别法的一种 DNA 序列分类方法.华中农业大学学报, 2013, 32(1), 125-129

[77] SongfengLu, Zhao Hua. Dynamic Generalized Suffix Arrays. International Conference onInformation Technology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2012), AppliedMechanics and Materials, V263-266(Part 1), 1398-1401, 2012. (EI)

[76] SongfengLu, Yu Zhang, Jie Sun, Liping Yang. Fully Secure Ciphertext-Policy Attribute-BasedEncryption in Prime Order Group. International Conference on InformationTechnology and Management Innovation (ICITMI2012), Applied Mechanics andMaterials, V263-266(Part 1), 2920-2923, 2012. (EI)

[75] HuaZhao, Songfeng Lu. Indexed swap matching for short patterns. IEICE Transactionson Fundamentals of Electronics, Communications and Computer Sciences, 2012,E95-A(1), 362-366. (SCI C)

[74] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Yu Zhang. Different Approaches for ImplementingQuantum Search by Adiabatic Evolution. AASRI Conference on ComputationalIntelligence and Bioinformatics, 2012.07.01-02, 58-62, Changsha China, (ISTP)

[73] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Fang Liu. Speedup in adiabatic evolution based quantum algorithms.Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 55(9), 1630-1634, 2012. (SCI C)

[72] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者). On the adiabatic evolution of one-dimensionalprojector hamiltonians. International Journal of Quantum Information, 10(4),1250046, 2012. (SCI B)

[71] Jie Sun,Songfeng Lu(通信作者),Fang Liu, Liping Yang.Partial evolution based local adiabatic quantum search. Chinese Physics B,21(1), 010306, 2012. (SCI B)

[70] 赵友桥, 王坚, 路松峰(通信作者), 胥永康. 一种后缀数组与滑动窗口结合的压缩算法. 计算机工程与应用. 48(15),59-62, 2012. (EI)

[69] 张洪, 路松峰(通信作者), 赵友桥, 胥永康, 胡和平. 数据安全存储的分片策略模型研究.48(18),66-70, 2012. (EI)

[68] 赵友桥, 张山山, 路松峰(通信作者), 吴志杰. COX:高压缩率的中文XML 文档压缩技术.48(17),143-147, 2012. (EI)

[67] Xin Mao,Yang Liu, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), You Li. A New Secure Communications Solutionfor Network Application. Advanced Engineering Forum. Vol 6-7, 932-936, 2012

[66] JichuanWu, Xin Mao, Songfeng Lu(通信作者). A QualitativePerformance Comparison and Analysis of Suffix Array, FM-index and CompressedSuffix Array. In Proc of the 2012 International Conference on FutureInformation Technology and Management Science & Engineering (FITMSE 2012),348-352, 2012.

[65] QiaoxiaZhang, Zhijie Wu, Yongkang Xu, Xin Mao, Ran Yu, Songfeng Lu(通信作者). A NewString Matching Algorithm Based on Compressed Suffix Array and Burrows-Wheeler Transform. In Proc of the 2012International Conference on Future Information Technology and ManagementScience & Engineering (FITMSE 2012), 37-40, 2012.

[64] YangLiu, Songfeng Lu(通信作者), Youqiao Zhao, Fang Liu. A Newe ParallelEncryption Scheme for Massive Data. 2011 International Conference onInstrumentation, Measurement, Computer, Communication and Control (ICIMCS2011), 343-346. (ISTP)

[63] HuiminJia, Songfeng Lu(通信作者). An Improved String Matching Algorithm Based onSuffix Array. 2011 International Conference on Mechanical and ElectricalTechnology (ICMET 2011). 579-583.

[62] HuaZhao, Songfeng Lu (通信作者). Compressed Index for Property Matching. 2011Data Compression Conference (DCC 2011), 133-142. (EI, CCF B类)

[61] 鲍洋, 卢正鼎, 黄保华, 李瑞轩, 胡和平, 路松峰. 结构化P2P 系统中副本一致性管理的一种新算法. 小型微型计算机系统, 31(3),385-390, 2011. (EI)

[60] ZhangYing-Yu, Hu He-Ping, Lu Song-Feng (通信作者). A Quantum SearchAlgorithm Based on Partial Adiabatic Evolution. Chinese Physics B, 2011, 20(4), 040309-1/4.(SCI B)

[59] SongfengLu, Chengfu Sun. Quadratic approximation based differential evolution with valuable trade off approach for bi-objective short-term hydrothermal scheduling. Expert Systems withApplications, 2011, 38(11), 13950-13960. (SCI A)

[58] 路松峰, 陈莹, 胥永康, 胡和平, 赵友桥. 基于QCircuit 的BB84 窃听仿真与分析. 计算机学报, 2011,34(2), 229-235. (EI)

[57] Ying-YuZhang, Song-Feng Lu. Quantum Search by Partial Adiabatic Evolution. Physical Review A,2010,82(3),034304-1/4. (SCI A)

[55] SongfengLu, Chengfu Sun, Zhengding Lu. An improved quantum-behaved particle swarm optimizationmethod for short-term combined economic emission hydrothermal scheduling.Energy Conversion and Management, 2010, 51(3), 561-571. (SCI A)

[55] ChengfuSun, Songfeng Lu. Short-term combined economic emission hydrothermal schedulingusing improved quantum-behaved particle swarm optimization. Expert Systems withApplications, 2010, 37(6), 4232-4241. (SCI A)






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