博士 起止时间:1994-1997 毕业院校:山东大学 专业:微生物学
硕士 起止时间:1991-1994 毕业院校:山东大学 专业:微生物学
学士 起止时间:1987-1991 毕业院校:山东大学 专业:微生物学
1997-今 山东大学微生物技术国家重点实验室教授
2006 美国加州大学洛杉矶分校医学院 访问学者
2002- 2003 英国谢菲尔德大学生化与分子生物学系 访问学者
2. 高等真菌生物活性物质的发掘和综合利用
3. 用于控制耐药菌感染的新型噬菌体裂解酶的开发和分子改造
1. 2018-2021, CHU_3237介导的纤维素酶在哈氏噬纤维菌表面锚定机制,国家自然科学基金(主持)
2. 2018-2022,利用非同源末端连接的基因组精简策略构建最适细胞工厂,国家自然基金重点项目(第二位)
3. 2017-2019,新型多孔菌发酵生产天然γ-癸内酯,山东省重点研发计划
4. 2014-2017,哈氏噬纤维菌新型蛋白分泌系统PorSS的组成以及效应蛋白的鉴定和穿膜识别序列研究,国家自然科学基金(主持)
5. 2012-2015,哈氏噬纤维菌外膜纤维素结合蛋白吸附和解构结晶纤维素机理的研究,国家自然科学基金(主持)
6. 2013-2018,高吸附性能高强度琼脂糖分离介质的开发横向课题(主持)
7. 2011-2015,哈氏噬纤维细菌结晶纤维素降解机制,国家973子课题(主持)
8. 2012-2015,剩余污泥改性制备吸附材料的研究,山东省环保产业技术研发专项(主持)
1、国家科技奖自然科学二等奖(主要参与人)2、山东省科技进步奖二等奖 (第一位)3、山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖二等奖(第一位)4、山东大学教育拓展优秀名师代表性论文
1. Sen Wang, Dong Zhao, Xinfeng Bai, Weican Zhang, Xuemei Lu*, Identification and Characterization of a Large Protein Essential for Degradation of the Crystalline Region of Cellulose byCytophaga hutchinsonii, Appl Environ Microbiol, 2017, 83(1): e02270-16.SCI., IF4.48
2.Cong Zhang1,2 & Xifeng Wang1 & Weican Zhang1 & Yue Zhao1 & Xuemei Lu1*, Expression and characterization of a glucose-tolerant β-1,4-glucosidase with wide substrate specificity fromCytophaga hutchinsonii,Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2017, 101:1919u20131926.SCI., IF4.13
3. Xinfeng Bai1, Xifeng Wang1, Sen Wang1, Xiaofei Ji, Zhiwei Guan1, Weican Zhang1 and Xuemei Lu1*Functional Studies of β-Glucosidases ofCytophaga hutchinsoniiand Their Effects on Cellulose Degradation, Frontiers in Microbiology: 2017 Feb 2;8:140. doi: 10.3389/fmicb.2017.00140.SCI., IF2.1
4. Cong Zhang, Weican Zhang,Xuemei Lu*. Expression and characteristics of a Ca -dependent endoglucanase fromCytophaga hutchinsonii, Appl Microbiol Biotechnol, 2015, 99(22):9617-9623. SCI., IF4.13
5. Zhe Li, Cong Zhang, Sen Wang, Jing Cao, Weican Zhang and Xuemei Lu?. A new locus inCytophaga hutchinsoniiinvolved in colony spreading on agar surfaces and individual cell gliding,FEMS Microbiology Letters, 2015, Vol. 362, No. 14, 1-8. SCI., IF2.45
6. Ji X, Wang Y, Zhang C, Bai X, Zhang W, Lu X*. A novel outer membrane protein involved in cellulose and cellooligosaccharide degradation byCytophaga hutchinsonii.Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2014,80 (15): 4511-4518. SCI., IF4.48
7. Ying Wang, Zhiquan Wang, Jing Cao, Zhiwei Guan and Xuemei Lu*.FLP-FRT-based method to obtain unmarked deletions of CHU_3237 (porU) and large Genomic fragments ofCytophagahutchinsonii, Applied and Environmental Microbiology, 2014, 80 (19 ): 6037-6045. SCI., IF4.48
8.Cong Zhang, Ying Wang, Zhe Li, Xiangru Zhou, Weican Zhang, Yue Zhao and Xuemei Lu*.Characterization of a multi-function processive endoglucanase CHU_2103 fromCytophaga hutchinsonii.Applied Microbiology andBiotechnology.2014, 98 (15) : 6679-6687. SCI., IF4.13
9.Xiaofei Ji, Xinfeng Bai, Zhe Li, Seng Wang and Xuemei Lu*.A novel locus essential for spreading ofCytophaga hutchinsoniicolonies on agar.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. 2013, 97:7317-7324.SCI.,IF 4.13
10.Zhang W,Ji X,Sun C,Lu X*.Fabrication and characterization of macroporous epichlorohydrin cross-linked alginate beads as protein adsorbent.Prep Biochem Biotechnol.2013; 43(5): 431-444.SCI., IF 0.4
11.Yuanxi Xu,Xiaofei Ji, Ning Chen, Pengwei Li, Weifeng Liu and Xuemei Lu*.Development of Replicative oriC Plasmids and Their Versatile Use in Genetic
Manipulation ofCytophagahutchinsonii, Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology.2012,93 (2): 697u2013705, SCI.,IF4.13
12.Ji X.,i X., Xu Y., Zhang C., Chen N., Lu X*,A new locus affects cell motility, cellulose binding, and degradation byCytophaga hutchinsonii, Applied microbiology and biotechnology, 2012,96 ( 1 ): 161-70,SCI.,IF4.13