
时间:2024-01-17 19:39:41编辑:雅博君


柳冕 [唐](约公元七三o年至八o四年间在世)字敬叔,蒲州河东人(今山西永济)。生卒年均不详,约唐玄宗开元十八年至德宗贞元二十年间在世。


(约730―约804)唐代 散文家.字敬叔.河东(今 山西永济)人. 父子并居 集贤院,世为 史官.历官右补阙、 史馆 修撰、吏部郎中、 御史中丞、福州刺史等.卒赠工部尚书. 古文运动先驱作家.主张 文道并重,文章必须阐发“ 六经”之道,认为“有其道必有 其文,道及 文则德胜,文不及道则气衰”(《答荆南裴尚书论文书》)。并提出“文生于情,情生于 哀乐,哀乐生于治乱”(《与滑州卢大夫论文书》)的论点,阐说文学与社会现实的关系.他的文论主张对 韩柳有直接影响.其文结构严谨,长于论事说理,如《答徐州张尚书论文武书》、《与徐给事论文书》等.撰有《 笔语》,已失传.《 全唐文》辑存其文10篇. (About 730 - about 804) in the Tang Dynasty essayist. Jingshu word. Hedong (today’s Shanxi Yongji) people. Father and son, and home Jixian Institute, the World for the historian. Buque calendar official right, Academia Historica Xiuzhuan, board of civil doctor, Yu Shizhong Cheng, Fu Zhou Cishi so. Death Book of gifts and Industry. pioneer writer, a literary movement. advocated equal emphasis on Man Road, the article must be expounded, "Six Classics", arguing that "has its Road must have its Man, Road and Wenze Desheng, Road is not as bad wen qi "(" A Book of Papers Jingnan Pei book "). And to propose "Wen was born in love, love was born in funeral music, funeral music was born in combat confusion" ( "with Dr. Hua Zhou Lu thesis book"), the argument illustrates the relationship between literature and social reality. His literary criticism has advocated Han Liu directly affected. his writing well-structured, good at reasoning on the matter, such as "A Book of Papers-wu Zhang, Xuzhou book", "Xu to do with the paper book" and so on. Author of " Pen language" has been lost. "Full Tang" series of Cun-wen, 10.

