u00972003 u2013 2008:美国加州大学洛杉矶分校,博士,u0097材料科学与工程系
u0097 2000u2013 2003:中国科学技术大学,硕士, u0097物理系,凝聚态物理专业
1996u2013 2000:中国科学技术大学,学士, u0097物理系,应用物理专业 u0097
2008 u2013 2011:美国犹他大学,材料科学与工程系,博士后
2011 u2013 2013:美国康涅迭戈大学,机械工程系,助理研究教授
2013 u2013 2014:美国东北大学,机械工程系,访问研究教授
2014 u2013 :中国电子科学技术大学,微固学院,教授
My research interest lies in the modeling and simulation of materials from the atomic to mesoscopic scales. I develop phenomenological theoretical models myself and apply first-principles and molecular dynamics computational methods as well.
My study includes growth and properties in a wide spectrum of materials (e.g. semiconductor, metal, and alloy) and focus on growth mechanisms of low dimensional materials (e.g. film, quantum dot, nanowire and nanorod), self-assembly and self-organization of nanostructures, and properties of surfaces and interfaces.
u0097 担任Applied Physics Letters,u0097Journal of Applied physics,u0097Computational Materials Science,u0097Applied Surface
Science,u0097Philosophical Magazine,u0097ASME Journal of Engineering Materials and Technology等国际学术期刊审稿人。
2013年 Energy Materials Nonotechnology 分会主席。
American Physics Society (APS),Materials Research Society (MRS),American Association for Crystal Growth(AACG)会员。