
时间:2024-01-10 00:13:56编辑:雅博君


密茨凯维奇 Mickiewicz,Adam( 1798~1855),波兰诗人,革命家。1798年12月24日生于立陶宛诺伏格罗德克附近的查阿西村,1855年11月26日卒于土耳其的君士坦丁堡。1815年考入维尔诺大学。在大学期间,积极参加爱国学生活动,并开始发表文学作品。大学毕业后在科甫诺中学担任古典语言文学教师。


(1798―185)波兰诗人,民族解放运动革命家.生于诺伏格鲁德克附近查阿西村(今属白俄罗斯)一个小贵族家庭.1815-1819年在维尔诺大学求学.1817年参加秘密爱国学生团体“爱学社”。大学毕业后曾在中学任教.1822年,他的第一部诗集出版,标志着波兰浪漫主义文学的兴起.诗集中的“歌谣和传奇”是根据民间故事创作的,反映了农民的生活情趣和道德观念.1823年他的第二部诗集,收集了长诗《格拉席娜》和诗剧《先人祭》的第二、第四部.《先人祭》第二、第四部是诗人在维尔诺―科甫诺地方写成,被称为“维尔诺的《先人祭》”,在两书中,诗人把民间传说和神秘的爱国主义融为一体,创造了新形式的浪漫主义戏剧.1824年,他与其他“爱学社”成员由于散布波兰民族主义情绪被流放到俄国.在莫斯科做工期间和许多著名俄国作家包括诗人普希金建立了友谊.1826年访克里米亚,发表情诗《克里米亚十四行诗》。1828年长诗《康拉德.华伦洛德》问世.这是一部以复仇、起义为主题的英雄史诗.1832年定居巴黎,写了圣经体散文《波兰民族及其朝圣者之书》。1834年完成他最重要的作品《塔杜施先生》。1839年任瑞士洛桑大学拉丁文教授.1年后辞职,在法兰西大学教授斯拉夫文学.1848年1月前往罗马,说服新教皇支持波兰民族的自由事业.1848年意大利革命爆发,他组织一支小分队,为意大利的解放事业与奥地利作战.1849年3―10月,主编激进的《人民论坛报》。1852年拿破仑三世解除他在法兰西大学的职务,任命他为阿森诺图书馆馆员.1855年9月被恰尔托雷斯ary and national liberation movements. Was born in the vicinity of Novo Geludeke check Asif Village (this is a Belarus) .1815-1819 a small noble family in Wilno university days, he joined a secret patriotic .1817 student body "Love Society." After graduating from college in secondary schools .1822, his first collection of poems published, marking the rise of the Polish Romantic literature. Poems in the "Folk Songs and Legends," is based on folk tales created, reflecting the taste and living of the farmers moral values .1823, he’s second collection of poems, collected long poem, "Gera I Na" and the epic "Festival ancestors," the second and fourth. "ancestors Festival" Second, the fourth is a poet in Vail Connaught - Connaught Branch Fu local languages, is called "Wilno’s" ancestors Festival "" in two books, the poet into folklore and mysterious blend of patriotism and created a new form of romantic drama. In 1824, he and other "Love Society" members for spreading the Polish nationalist sentiment was exiled to Russia. working in Moscow, during and many famous writers including the poet Pushkin, Russia established a friendship visit to the Crimea .1826 years and published poems " Crimean Sonnets. " 1828 older poem, "Conrad. Lunluo De China" have come. This is the one to revenge, the theme of the heroic epic uprising .1832 settled in Paris, wrote the Bible, prose, "the Polish nation and its pilgrim’s book" . In 1834 to complete his most important work, "Mr. Tadeusz Bachleda-Shi." The University of Lausanne, Switzerland, in 1839 appointed professor of Latin .1 years after the resignation of the French University Slavic literature .1848 year in January to Rome to convince the new pope to support the Polish nation, the cause of freedom .1848 Revolution broke out in Italy, he organized a squad for the liberation of Italy and Austria fighting .1849 year from March to October, the radical editor of the "People’s Tribune." 1852 Napoleon III relieved of his duties at the University of France, appointed him Librarian .1855 E Sennuo years in September was sent to Turkey, Prince Czartoryski, died en route.

