2006年至今任教于四川美术学院设计艺术学院,重庆美术家协会会员。2008年参加在英国曼彻斯特Chinese Arts Centre青年艺术家驻留地项目。
获奖“2013’第五届报喜鸟新锐艺术人物盛典――视觉艺术类新锐人物” (温州楠溪江 浙江)
“大瑭?传家”――2013中国新锐艺术大展 艺术新锐奖(文轩美术馆 成都)
“从写实出发”――2012湖南青年艺术家提名展 提名奖(湖南省油画学会 长沙)
“靳羽西”――2007中国新锐画家大奖(CAP) 金奖” (艺术景中心 上海)
个展2009年 “两万赫兹” (多伦现代美术馆 上海)
“两万赫兹” (艺术景中心 上海)
2008年 “现场直播” (艺术景中心 上海)
“The Media World”(Chinese Arts Centre 曼彻斯特 英国)
重庆市美术作品展览(重庆美术馆 重庆)
“大瑭?传家”――2013中国新锐艺术大展(成都文轩美术馆 成都 )
“丰域西南?吾土吾民”油画邀请展(广西美术馆 南宁)
悦色青黄――中国当代中青年艺术家联展(伦敦MALL画廊 英国)
“从这里开始”――中国学院青年艺术作品展”展览(关山月美术馆 深圳)
重庆市职工书画作品展览(重庆市劳动人民文化宫 重庆)
四川美术学院教师年展(重庆美术馆 重庆)
2013u2019(第五届)黄桷坪新年文化艺术节之:未来先锋――当代艺术展(重庆美术馆 重庆)
“世纪风华”――2012当代最具学术价值与市场潜力的艺术家邀请展(中国国家画院美术馆 北京)
“从写实出发”――湖南青年艺术家提名展 (于斯空间艺术中心 长沙)
第一届世界青年艺术节 (WEYA) (诺丁汉 英国)
“视界?新都纪”――成渝当代青年艺术家作品邀请展(新都传媒金色大厅 成都)
“未来之声――当代艺术家作品联展” (独立映像空间 重庆)
重庆艺术机构馆藏精品联展 (重庆国际会议展览中心 重庆 )
(南京青和当代美术馆 杭州汉品美术馆 成都蓝顶美术馆 重庆大剧院艺术厅)
异绘――黄桷坪群体艺术展 (蓝顶美术馆 成都)
“嬗”501艺术家群落展 (501当代美术馆 重庆)
梦想照进现实――黄桷坪十年艺术生态年度邀请展(黄桷坪艺术区 重庆)
重庆画院2010年度美术大展 (重庆画院 重庆)
“穿越”――重庆当代艺术主题展 (香山美术馆 北京)
“恣意的笔触”――绘画语言探究系列展(北京前后空间 北京)
“跨界”――2010第六届中国宋庄文化艺术节 (龙德轩当代艺术中心 北京)
第36届日本AJAC海外艺术家邀请展 (横滨美术馆 日本)
重庆当代艺术国际邀请展 (中国三峡博物馆 重庆)
首届中国批评家年会暨新锐艺术家年度提名展(501当代美术馆 重庆)
第10届“Art Toronto”艺博会 (多伦多 加拿大)
第35届日本AJAC海外艺术家邀请展 (东京都美术馆 日本)
第35届日本AJAC重庆巡回展 ( 重庆美术馆 重庆 )
第十一届全国美展暨重庆市第四届美展 ( 重庆美术馆 重庆)
“各自话语”首届西部当代艺术交流展 (长安当代美术馆 重庆)
“在场30年――四川美术学院当代油画展” (日中友好协会会馆 东京 日本)
“独生一代”新锐艺术家邀请展 ( 黄桷坪美术馆 重庆)
“中国情境?重庆驿站”――当代艺术大展 (501当代美术馆 重庆)
第三届迪拜艺术博览会 (迪拜 阿拉伯联合酋长国)
“范特西”――2008上海新锐艺术大展 ( 东廊画廊 上海)
(中央美术学院美术馆 北京;日本伊斯特 艺术馆 东京;香港展览中心 香港)
“时代中国”中国节主题艺术展 (伦敦 英国)
“第一届曼彻斯特亚洲艺术三年展” (Chinese Arts Centre 曼彻斯特 英国)
“中国新锐画家大奖”开幕展 (艺术景画廊 上海)
“七零八落” 当代艺术展 ( 陈绫蕙当代空间 北京 )
北京BS1当代美术馆2007年度艺术提名展 (朱屺瞻艺术馆 上海 )
345°上海新锐艺术大展 ( 多伦现代美术馆 上海 )
“四川画派学术回顾展” ( 中外文化交流中心 北京)
西南当代艺术工作室邀请展 (梦纳利艺术中心 上海)
“潜力?成都”2007当代青年艺术家邀请展 (翰墨?原创画廊 成都)
首届中国国际艺术品投资与收藏博览会 (北京展览馆 北京)
中韩现代美术作品交流展 (釜山美术馆 韩国 )
“遭喻现实” 当代艺术展 (重庆美术馆 重庆)
“日纪与绎言”当代艺术展 (北辰天街 重庆)
当代中国视觉艺术独立创作现象文献巡回展 (贵阳、北京、深圳、合肥)
“前戏”当代艺术展(坦克库艺术中心 重庆 )
首届艺术p诗歌精品超市展 (深圳)
第二届全国美术院校油画专业毕业生优秀作品展(何香凝美术馆 深圳)
“黑?白 ” 当代艺术展 (才纳画廊 北京)
全国第十届美展暨重庆市第三届美展 (重庆美术馆 重庆)
“彼?此”――中法交流展 (法国 图鲁兹)
四川美术学院五年创作成果展 (重庆美术馆 重庆)
第二届贵州油画双年展 (贵州师范大学美术馆 贵阳)
首届四川美术学院研究生年展 (重庆美术馆 重庆)
首届重庆油画展 (重庆美术馆 重庆)
“中国元素”之“方向”展 (重庆)
十三人联展 (重庆)
重庆美术馆开馆系列展 (重庆美术馆 重庆)
“体温”当代艺术展 (重庆)
Individual Artistic Resume:
Mao Yan Yang
● In 1980 was born in Hunan
● In 2002 graduated from the Sichuan fine arts institute oil painting department, attained the bachelor’s
● In 2005 the Sichuan fine arts institute oil painting is the graduate student graduates, attains the
master’s degree.
● Presently teaches in the Sichuan fine arts institute designs the department
● In 2008 attend the project of Young artists resides in Chinese Arts Centre in Manchester, England for
a period of 3 months.
Individual honor
In 2007 “Chinese Art Prize By Yue-Sai Kan” Gold Prize (Shanghai China )
Solo Exhibition:
In 2008
“Scene Live” (Art Scene China Gallery Shanghai )
“The world of media ” (Chinese Arts Centre, Manchester ,UK)
In 2009
Mao Yanyang @ 20,000 Hz -Mao Yanyang Solo Exhibition
(Art Scene China Gallery Shanghai )
Mao Yanyang @ 20,000 Hz -Mao Yanyang Solo Exhibition
Duolun Museum of Modern Art Shanghai)
Group Exhibition:
In 2013
●Blue&Yellow-- Chinese contemporary young and middle-aged artists group exhibitions (MALL Gallery London UK)
● China ? college youth art exhibition (Guan ShanYue art museum Shenzhen)
In 2012
● 2013 "(5th) Huang Jueping New Year festival culture: the future pioneer - contemporary art (Chongqing Art Museum)
● "Century elegance and talent" - contemporary the most academic value and market potential of the artist Invitational exhibition (Art Gallery Of China National Academy Of Painting Beijing )
●"Setting Out With Realism " Nomination Exhibition Of Young Artists From Hunan ( YuSi Arts Centre Changsha )
●World Event Young Artists (WEYA) (Nottingham England)
●"Horizon ? new capital discipline" - into Chongqing young contemporary artists works invitational exhibition (new capital media golden hall Chengdu)
●"The sound of the future-works by contemporary artists" (Independent Image Space Chongqing)
In 2011
●Chongqing art institutions collection high-quality goods exhibition (Chongqing international conference and exhibition center)
●"The nostalgia and encounter", (Nanjing, Hangzhou and Chengdu, Chongqing contemporary art exhibition)
●“Different description” ――Huang Jue ping Group Art (Blue Top Museum of Modern Art Cheng du)
●" Evolution" 501 the artist community exhibition ( 501 Museum of Modern Art Chongqing )
●”Dreams shine into reality” - HuangJueping 21st century years art ecological annual invitational exhibition (HuangJueping art district, Chongqing)
In 2010
●2010 Chongqing academy of fine arts exhibition (Chongqing academy)
●"Through" ――Chongqing contemporary art exhibition( Beijing XiangShan Museum of Modern Art )
●"The Willful Brushwork----A Series Of Exploring Painting Language"(Beijing Everywhere gallery
●“CROSSOVER”――Sixth Chinese SongZhuang culture art festival (Beijing Songzhuang Long Dexuan Modern Arts Center)
●The 36th AJAC Exhibition (Yokohama Museum of Art Japan )
●Chongqing international invitational exhibition of contemporary art (Chongqing SanXia Museum)
●China’s first annual meeting-cum-cutting-edge artists, critics of the Year Nomination Exhibition (501 Museum of Modern Art Chongqing )
In 2009
●The 10th "Art Toronto" Arts Fair (Toronto Canada)
● National eleventh session of art exhibition and Chongqing fourth session of art exhibition (The Chongqing art museum)
●The 35th AJAC Exhibition of Tokyo Metropolitan Art Museum Japan
●"Each word," the first Western Contemporary Art Exchange Exhibition (Chang An Museum of Modern Art Chongqing )
●Teachers and students of the Sichuan Fine Arts Institute Arts Exhibition (Tokyo, Japan)
●"Only-generation" Emerging Artists Exhibition (HuangJuePing Museum Chongqing)
●“Situation in China ? Chongqing Inn "- Contemporary Art Exhibition (501 Museum of Modern Art Chongqing )
In 2008
●“Art Charity China” 2008 China Contemporary Art International Tour Exhibition( Beijing /Tokyo/ Hong Kong )
●China Now! (London UK)
●Asia Triennial Manchester 08 (Manchester UK)
In 2007
●Chinese Art Prize By Yue-Sai Kan (Art Scene China Gallery Shanghai )
●"Scattered about" contemporary art Exhibition (Chen Ling Hui present space Beijing)
● Beijing BS1 Contemporary Museum 2007 Nominates Exhibition (Zhu Qizhan Art Museum Shanghai)
● 345°Shanghai Fresh Art Exhibition (Duolun Museum of Modern Art Shanghai)
● “The Sichuan picture sends the academic retrospective” (Chinese and foreign cultural exchange center Beijing)
● Southwest the contemporary art work room invitation unfolds (Mona Lee Art Center
●“Potential ? Chengdu” the Chinese contemporary young artist invites to unfold (writing ? original decorated corridor Chengdu)
In 2006
● “The image draws really” the contemporary art show (Chongqing)
● First session China international art ware investment and collection exposition (The Beijing exhibition hall)
● The Chinese and South Korean modern fine arts work exchange unfolds (South Korean Pusan)
● “Suffers explains the reality” the contemporary art show (Chongqing Art Museum)
● “Date Ji Yu Yi word” contemporary art show (North Chongqing Chen day street)
In 2005
● The Contemporary China vision art independent creation phenomenon literature exhibition tour (Guiyang, Beijing, Shenzhen, Hefei)
● “Front play” the contemporary art show (Chongqing tank storehouse)
● The first session art p poetry high-quality goods supermarket to unfold (Shenzhen)
● Second session of national fine arts colleges and universities oil painting specialized graduate outstanding art show (Shenzhen HeXiangNing art museum)
● “Black ? white” CHINART decorated corridor (Beijing)
In 2004
● National tenth session of art exhibition and Chongqing third session of art exhibition (The Chongqing art museum)
● “Other ? this” - - China and France exchange unfolds (French chart Lu this)
● Sichuan fine arts institute five year creation achievement exhibitions (Chongqing Art Museum)
In 2003
● A second session of Guizhou oil painting pair of year unfolds (Guiyang)
● The first session Sichuan fine arts institute graduate student year unfolds (Chongqing