
时间:2023-12-18 01:06:43编辑:雅博君


毛仕春,1977年12月出生,祖籍山东莒县, 副教授,博士学位。


【基本信息】【主讲课程】《大学物理》、《大学物理实验》【研究领域】电磁散射,复杂介质中光及波的传播特性【科研项目】(注明排名)2.已结题项目(1)2012年江苏省高校自然基金项目:导体涂覆各向异性材料椭圆柱体的散射(主持人)【主要论著】(第一作者)(1)Scattering by a conducting elliptic cylinder coated with a nonconfocal homogeneous anisotropic shell. Waves in Random and Complex Media. 2013.(2) Research on scattering of weekly lossy homogeneous gyrotropic elliptic cylinder. Lecture notes in Electrical Engineering. 2013.(3) Scattering by a homogeneous anisotropic-coated conducting elliptic Cylinder. Waves in random and complex media.,2011.(4) Scattering by an infinite homogenous anisotropic elliptic cylinder in terms of Mathieu functions and Fourier series. Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 2008.(5) Three-dimensional scattering by an infinite homogeneous anisotropic elliptic cylinder in terms of Mathieu functions. Journal of the Optical Society of America A. 2009.

