梅永丰博士,出生于1976年3月, 2005年8月于香港城市大学物理与材料科学系获得理学博士学位;2005年9月到2007年4月,在德国斯图加特德国马克思-普朗克固态研究所从事博士后研究工作;2007年4月至今,在德国莱布尼兹固态与材料研究所担任固定研究职员和研究小组组长。梅永丰博士长期从事纳米科学与技术研究,早期主要从事纳米科学的材料学研究,将纳米技术充分运用到微纳器件的应用中,主要从事自由基纳米薄膜的自组装过程、性能探索和器件雏形研究。研究领域涉及微纳米机械学、纳米光学、纳米电子学、微纳机器人技术、微纳流体学、微能源存储、表面等离子体及超材料研究。
姓名:梅永丰性别:男 出生年份: 1976年 家乡:江苏省常州市武进区郑陆镇徐家村委羌渚头
纳米薄膜技术 (Nanomembranes technology)
卷曲纳米技术(Rolled-up nanotech)
1. P. Feng, I. M?nch, G. S. Huang, S. Harazim, E. J. Smith, Y. F. Mei*,O. G. Schmidt, Local-Illuminated Ultrathin Silicon Nanomembranes with Photovoltaic Effect and Negative Transconductance, Advanced Materials (2010). (in press)
2. A. A. Solovev, Y. F. Mei*, O. G. Schmidt, Catalytic Micro Strider at the Air-Liquid Interface, Advanced Materials (2010). (in press)
3. A. A. Solovev, S. Sanchez*, M. Pumera, Y. F. Mei*, O. G. Schmidt, Magnetic Control of Catalytic Microbots for the Delivery and Assembly of Microobjects, Advanced Functional Materials (2010). (in press)
4. Y. F. Mei,* S. Kiravittaya, S. Harazim, O. G. Schmidt, Principles and Applications of Micro- and Nanoscale Wrinkles, Materials Science & Engineering R: Reports (2010). (Invited Review; in press)
5. E. J. Smith,* Z. Liu, Y. F. Mei,* O. G. Schmidt, Combined surface plasmon and classical waveguiding through metamaterial fiber design, Nano Letters 10, 1 (2010). (Cover; highlighted in Nature Photonics)
6. P. Feng,* I. M?nch, S. Harazim, G. Huang, Y. F. Mei,* O. G. Schmidt, Giant Persistent Photoconductivity in Rough Silicon Nanomembranes, Nano Letters 9, 3453 (2009).
7. A. A. Solovev, Y. F. Mei,* et al. Catalytic Microtubular Jet Engines Self-propelled by Accumulated Gas Bubbles, Small 5, 1688-1692 (2009).? (Cover)
8. E. Smith,* Z. Liu, Y. F. Mei,* O. G. Schmidt, System investigation of a rolled-up metamaterial optical hyperlens structure, Applied Physics Letters 95, 083104 (2009); “Erratum” in 96, 019902 (2010).
9. V. A. Bola?os Qui?ones, G. S. Huang, J. D. Plumhof, S. Kiravittaya, A. Rastelli, Y. F. Mei,* O. G. Schmidt, Optical Resonance Tuning and Polarization of Thin-Walled Tubular Microcavities, Optics Letters 34, 2345u20132347 (2009).
10. Y. F. Mei,* et al. Fabrication, self-assembly, and properties of ultra-thin AlN/GaN porous crystalline nanomembranes: tubes, spirals, and curved sheets, ACS Nano 3, 1663 (2009). (Cover)
11. G. S. Huang,* Y. F. Mei, et al. Optical properties of rolled-up tubular microcavities from shaped nanomembranes, Applied Physics Letters 94: 141901 (2009). (Cover)
12. G. S. Huang,* Y. F. Mei,* et al. Rolled-up transparent microtubes as two-dimensionally confined culture scaffolds of individual yeast cells, Lab on a Chip,? 9: 263 (2009).
13. Y. F. Mei,* et al.Versatile approach for integrative and functionalized tubes by strain engineering of nanomembranes on polymers, Advanced Materials, 20: 4085 (2008). (Cover)
14. Y.-F. Chen,* Y. F. Mei,* et al. Towards Flexible Magnetoelectronics: Buffer-Enhanced and Mechanically Tunable GMR of Co/Cu Multilayers on Plastic Substrates, Advanced Materials, 20: 3224-3228 (2008).
15. A. Malachias, Y. F. Mei,* et al. Wrinkled-up Nanochannel Networks: Long-Range Ordering, Scalability, and X-ray Investigation, ACS Nano, 2: 1715-1721 (2008). (Cover)
16. Y. F. Mei,* et al. Semiconductor sub-micro-/ nanochannel networks by deterministic layer wrinkling, Advanced Materials, 19(16): 2124-2128 (2007).
17. Y. F. Mei,* et al. Optical properties of a wrinkled nanomembrane with embedded quantum well, Nano Letters, 7(6): 1676-1679 (2007).
18. Y. F. Mei,* G et al.Visible cathodoluminescence of 4 angstrom single-walled carbon nanotubes, Applied Physics Letters, 87, 213114 (2005).
19. Y. F. Mei,* et al. Synthesis and optical properties of germanium nanorod array fabricated on porous anodic alumina and Si-based templates, Applied Physics Letters, 86, 21111 (2005).
20. Y. F. Mei, X. L. Wu,* et al. Formation mechanism of alumina nanotube array, Physical Letters A, 309, 109-113 (2003).
21. X. L. Wu,* Y. F. Mei, et al. Spherical growth and surface-quasifree vibrations of Si nanocrystallites in Er-doped Si nanostructures,? Physical Review Letters, vol. 86, 3000-3003 (2001).