时间:2023-12-12 11:42:41编辑:雅博君
人物介绍 ; 卢眉娘(792~?)唐代南海(今广东南海)人,眉如绵且长故名。幼慧悟工巧,能以一尺绢上绣法华经七卷,大不如粟粒。更善作飞仙病盖,以丝一拘分为三段,染成五色,结为金盖,五重中有十洲三岛,玉女台殿,麟凤之像,而执幢孝节童子,亦不哲千数。唐永贞元年(805)南海贡之,顺宗嘉其工谓之“神姑”,令止于宫中。元和间,为道士放归,赐号曰逍遥。罗浮处士李象先作卢逍遥传。按历代画史汇传引作媚娘。《广东通志》、《杜阳杂编》。概述
工刺绣,唐代南海人.其眉为线且长,故名眉娘.幼而慧悟,伶巧无比,14岁能在一尺绢上,绣“法华经”7卷,字的大小,不逾栗粒,而点画分明,细如毫发.其品题章句,无有遗阙.善作飞仙盖,以丝一缕分为三缕,染成五彩,于掌中结飞盖五重,中有十洲、三岛、天人、玉女、台殿、麟凤等像,再外列执幢捧节之童千余.盖阔一丈,重不足三两.永贞元年(805)南海贡奇女眉娘.后顺宗赞其惊人技艺,谓之“神姑”。令居宫中.元和(806―820)间,宪宗赐以金凤环.眉娘不愿在禁中,遂度为道士,回归南海,赐号逍遥.罗浮处士李象先作《卢逍遥传》。 Public embroidery, the Tang Dynasty were the South China Sea. His brow as the line and length, hence the name Mei Niang. As children, Hui Wu, Qiao Ling unparalleled 14-year-old in the foot silk, embroidered "Lotus Sutra" 7 volumes, the size of the word not more than miliary and stippling clear, thin, such as Invisibles. Qipin problem Chapters, no there is survived by Que. Feixianguan good for cover to a ray is divided into three strand wire, dyed multicolored, in their hands to cover five knot fly weight, There are 10 continents, islands, Heaven, teen idol, temples and palaces, Lin-feng and other images, and then both hands outside the listed buildings enforcement section of the child more than a thousand. Yizhang cover wide and weighs less than 32. Nagasada first year (805) South China Sea Gonci female Mei Niang. Soon after the case of praise of their amazing skills, saying that the "God regardless." Arranging for the palace. Yuan, and (806-820), the number Kenso part thanks to Golden Phoenix. Meiniang reluctant to ban, the gradually degree Taoist return to the South China Sea, thanks to Happy number. Luofu Department disabilities Lee as the first as a "Happy Lu Chuan . "